Police release image of man found guilty of possessing “abhorrent” child porn, who also made New Year’s resolution to have sex with a young girl

Samantha Norris.

Police have released the custody image of a 56-year-old man who was jailed for two years for possessing “abhorrent” child porn – after being cleared by a jury of exposing themselves to two 11-year-old girls.

Samantha Norris, who is in the process of “gender transitioning” from a man to a woman, pleaded guilty to three charges of making indecent images of children of categories A, B and C, one count of possessing prohibited images of children and a charge of possessing an extreme pornographic image depicting a person engaging in sexual activity with an animal.

They entered the pleas following the trial where they were cleared of charges of engaging in sexual activity in the presence of a child and of indecent exposure. Norris had made a New Year’s resolution to have sex with a girl under the age of 10 this year.

As well as the prison sentence, Judge Nicholas Rowland made Norris subject to a sexual harm prevention order for 10 years. Southampton Crown Court heard that the defendant had 16,000 images of children including about 2,000 still and 121 moving images of category A seriousness. The images included children aged as young as three with others showing youngsters aged about six in “distress and pain”, the court heard.

Sentencing Norris, judge Rowland said that Norris had also in their possession written notes describing sexual fantasies involving a four-and-a-half year old child and a “New Year’s resolution to have sex with a girl under 10”.

He told the defendant: “It’s all about you Samantha Norris and not the victims. You do not accept they are victims, you have distorted views and you do not feel your offending should be treated as serious – how would a right-minded person think about that?

“Your views are alarming and complex – you present a high risk of harm to children. It’s pretty blatant to me that you decided not to enter guilty pleas (earlier) as these pleas would have gone in front of the jury on the other (exposure) matters.”

During the trial for the exposure and sexual activity charges of which Norris was cleared, the prosecution had claimed that the defendant had “exposed her penis” deliberately to the two youngsters through the window of their flat.

But Norris told the court that they were a naturist who was “habitually naked” in their own home and that the children could only have seen them naked if they had been “spying” on them.

Norris also said that they had been the victim of abuse from youngsters in the town and they felt that these girls had been “taunting” them.

As a woman, we do not accept this person as one of us. Regardless of someone’s gender, these crimes are some of the worst a person can do. As a human, we do not accept this person as one of us.

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